LOVE Storytime

Image result for hug machine Image result for love monster Image result for my heart is like a zoo

STORYTIME FOR: Dowagiac District Library (In-House)

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Why These Books?

Hug Machine by Scott Campbell.  One of the things that drew me to this story is how it tries to defy stereotypes, putting a boy in a pink book.  And did I mention he loves giving hugs?  He hugs his parents, his pets, and even random objects on the street.  I think that’s what made this book such a big hit, even with the little boys (correction: ESPECIALLY with the little boys).  It’s silly, and it also makes you feel great.  This is a great book for valentine’s day…or any day, because it’s all about sharing love and joy!

Love Monster by Rachel Bright.  This is another book that puts two opposing ideas together.  Love and monsters?  Monster lives in a world filled with cute things, which makes him stand out, and not in a good way.  So he goes searching for someone to love him.  This worked well for storytime, because we did actions with monster (he looked high, he looked low), and also, even though the author tells you differently, monster is adorable.  He really tugs at your heart strings.  He even wears a little purple heart.  This is sure to be a storytime favorite.

My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall.  We ended storytime by getting back to basics.  Who doesn’t love the zoo?  Animal books are always a hit with my storytime kids, and all the animals in this book are made up of heart shapes!  The text is simple, so we spend more time enjoying the illustrations and talking about sounds that animals make.


The More We Get Together (sign language song)
The more we get together, together, together,
the more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
When your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friens.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be!

See my awesome mentor for Skokie Public Library, Holly Jin, teach this song in sign langauge.

Skinnamarink (ukulele song)
Skinnamarink-y-dink-y-dink, skinnamarink-y-doo, I love you.
Skinnamarink-y-dink-y-dink, skinnamarink-y-doo, I love you.
I love you in the morning, and in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening, underneath the moon,
Skinnamarink-y-dink-y-dink, skinnamarink-y-doo, I love you.

If You’re Happy and You Know It (Egg shakers)
If you’re happy and you know it, shake your egg.
If you’re happy and you know it, shake your egg.
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really wanna show it,
If you’re happy and you knot it, shake your egg.

How It Went

We had a good balance of boys and girls today, who really got into the books and songs.  I was a little wary of using Hug Machine, because I thought it might be too long or too pink, especially for the boys, but they really engaged with it.  We talked a little before storytime started about what you do on Valentine’s Day, like giving presents or hugs, which lead nicely into Hug Machine.  The shaker eggs were a hit, and the parents and kids also loved the sign language song.  I did it once at the beginning and once at the end, and the kids picked it up quickly.  Those who didn’t just clapped their hands, which was totally ok!

Halloween for Picture Books

It’s been a while since of blogged, and Halloween feels like the perfect time to start back up. There are plenty of things to love about Halloween (candy, monsters, scary stories), but since I became a storytime librarian two years ago Halloween picture book ranks at the top. Just take a look at this list and you’ll see why. Stop back soon for a blog post on my favorite Halloweens for tweens and teens.


Image result for crankensteinCrankenstein.  Samantha Berger, illus. Dan Santat.

Crankenstein doesn’t like to get up in the morning, or go to school, or do a lot of other things.  And all he has to say is, “Mehhhhh.”  Until one day…he meets another Crankenstein?  Dan Santat’s dramatic and colorful illustrations perfectly encapsulate the mindset of a cranky preschooler.  The tie to Halloween is obvious, but this is also a book that will help children talk about feelings, make connections to their every day lives, and laugh out loud.


Image result for skeleton hiccupsSkeleton Hiccups.  Margery Cuyler, illus. S.D. Schindler.

Skeletons does the same things as everyone else–he even has the hiccups.  How can he get rid of them?  This is an active story that will engage young readers and a storytime crowd with its friendly illustrations and funny storyline.  Schindler depicts Skeleton’s R.I.P headboard and everyday things with bright, contrasting color.  Skeleton’s face never changes, and yet somehow manages to convey his emotion at not being able to get rid of his hiccups.  Children will enjoy playing along with the story and guessing how Skeleton will get rid of his hiccups!


Image result for pumpkin eye bookPumpkin Eye.  Denise Fleming.

Setting the mood for children about to experience Halloween, Denise Fleming sweetly describes all the objects that come along with the spooky holiday in simple rhyme.  Fleming’s illustrations of colored cotton fiber and hand-cut stencils give a uniquely hazy, yet playful, impression of Halloween night.  The book will help children talk about the different things they might see on Halloween night and make connections to their own Halloween plans.


Image result for ghosts in the house!Ghosts in the House!  Kazuno Kohara.

In striking black, orange, and white illustrations, Kazuno Kohara tells a story of a little witch, whose house is haunted.  Not to be daunted, however, the witch and her cat set about catching the ghosts and putting them to good use (as tableclothes and curtains).  The contrast of the white ghosts on the dark pages give a textured, almost three-dimensional look.  Though the storyline sets itself up to be spooky and dramatic, the witch’s sweetness and cleverness will delight young readers in unexpected ways!

Wiggle Your Parts at Storytime


STORYTIME FOR: Dowagiac District Library

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Wiggle by Doreen Cronin.  A dog wiggles all the parts of his body, outside and inside.

Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas.  The main character, a ladybug, asks its readers to imagine what they would do if a bug was on their face, in their clothes, etc–until a giant frog shows up!

Where is Your Nose?  by Rookie Toddler.  This books asks kids to point to and move their body parts.


Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out,
You put your right foot in, and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around,
That’s what it’s all about!
Repeat: left arm, right leg, left leg, head

If You’re Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands…
If you’re happy and you know,
and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
Repeat: stomp feet, touch toes, say hooray.

Bean Bag Boogie
Play the bean bag boogie song by Greg & Steve.  The song has the kids put their bean bags on different parts of their body.  This is a great way to learn body parts and get moving as well!

How It Went

Both kids and parents really enjoyed this one.  Wiggle is a great book to start with because it get kids warmed up and moving their body parts, and they loved the silliness of Can You Make a Scary Face?  In addition to getting moving, the kids learned about the different parts of their bodies.  I have to admit that by the end of the second book I was exhausted!  I meant to end with “If You’re Happy and You Know It” on my ukulele, but I went for something more soothing–“The More We Get Together.”  Overall this was very successful.  Everyone had a great time!

Little Artist Storytime


STORYTIME FOR: Berwyn Public Library (Outreach)

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Why These Books?

Lily Brown’s Paintings by Angela Johnson, illustrated by E.B. Lewis.  A young girl named Lily Brown loves the world she lives in and loves to paint her world.  As she paints, her renderings come alive like a dream.  This is a sweet book that stimulates the imagination.  Kids love to point out details on the page, and reading this is a great opportunity to talk about self-expression.

Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall.  The crayon in this story is supposed to be red, but he keeps drawing blue!  And now matter what anyone does to try to help him, all that he draws is blue.  Then one day, a purple crayon asks him to draw a blue ocean…and suddenly the “red” crayon has found his purpose.  This goes over well with kids because they love to correct me…”He’s not red, he’s blue!” and also love the message that you just need to find your true self to make your mark.

Jeremy Draws and Monster by Peter McCarty.  Isolated in his room, Jeremy draws himself a monster, but things don’t go according to plan.  Jeremy’s monster starts making all kinds of demands–without saying thank you–and Jeremy has to draw him a ticket out of town.  This is a silly book that delights the kids.  They love being able to say, “He’s not very nice,” which makes this a great opportunity to talk about manners.  There’s a hidden theme in here that some classes catch onto.  After dealing with the monster, Jeremy decides that it’s okay to go outside and play with the other kids.  I also include this book because I get to point out another way to be an artist, by drawing.

I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont.  A boy’s mom puts his paints away, but then he secretly gets his paints back out and starts to paint all over his body.  He choruses, “I ain’t gonna paint no more, no more, I ain’t gonna paint no more,” yet goes on painting.  Here’s an opportunity to practice prediction skills.  What will he paint next?  Some kids even catch onto the rhyme scheme.  I like to get the kids to say the chorus with me, too.


This is the Way We Paint (action  song)
This is the way we stir the paint, stir the paint, stir the paint
This is the way we stir the paint so early in the morning
(dip our brush, paint the paper, blow it dry, frame the picture)
*credit: Storytime Katie

Big Green Monster (flannel puppet)

biggreenmonsterBig green monster has big scary green face,
Two big yellow eyes,
A long bluish-greenish nose,
Two little squiggly ears,
Scraggly purple hair,
And a big red mouth with sharp white teeth…But…
You’re just a puppet!  You don’t scare me!  So…
Go away, scraggly purple hair,
Go away, two little squiggly ears,
Go away, big yellow eyes,
Go away big red mouth with sharp white teeth,
Go away big green scary face,

The More We Get Together (w/ American Sign Language)
The more we get together, together, together,
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
Because your friends are my friends
And my friends are you friends.
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!

A Fun Magic Coloring Book
Activity with A Fun Magic Coloring Book that stimulates the imagination.

How It Went

The two big hits were I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More and A Fun Magic Coloring Book, though most of the other books and extensions also worked really well.  There’s just something about the combination of rhyme and silliness in I Ain’s Gonna Paint No More that makes it PERFECT for this age.  I had a lot of kids saying they wanted to check it out.  I ended up switching Red: A Crayon’s Story with Lily Brown’s Paintings for groups that were more restless, if I could tell right away.  I love Lily Brown, but it’s a much quieter and sweeter book, so the silliness of Red worked better for some groups.

Do you have little artist stories you love to read in storytime?  Let me know in the comments!

Not Just for Storytime Pt 2

About a month ago, I wrote a blog post about how picture books are not just for storytime, and shared some of my favorite picture books to read to grades 1-3.  But there are some really amazing picture books for the tween crowd (grades 4-6), too.  I used to teach library at an upper elementary school, and part of my weekly schedule included doing storytime with third, fourth, and fifth graders.  This was an opportunity to talk about themes and characters–but it also provided a chance for kids to connect to stories through stories of their own, stimulate their imaginations through visual appeal, and get my students excited about all kinds of literature.

On the rare occasion that no story was planned for library class, the kids would ask me, “Aren’t we going to read a story today?” and usually expressed genuine disappointment when I replied, “Not today.”  This told me that, despite their ages, my students craved stories and valued storytime.  I also found them reading picture books together during free time.  Although they didn’t know it, reading aloud with a buddy is a great way for kids to build expressive skills.

Check out some of my favorite picture books from tweens below!

Anderson, M.T.  Me, All Alone, at the End of the World.  Illus. Kevin Hawkes.  Candlewick Press, 2005.

A young boy lives all alone by himself literally at the end of the world.  His days are filled with wonder as he explores the wilderness and plays with extraordinary creatures, but the boy begins to reevaluate things when an old man shows up, promising to bring fun without end.  The old man, Mr. Constantine Shimmer, stays true to his words, building an amusement part at the end of the world which brings tourists all year round.  The boy makes friends and enjoys the amusement park like everyone else…until he starts to miss nature and quiet time.  Kevin Hawkes’s water color and acrylic illustrations perfectly compliment M.T. Anderson’s rich, natural prose, which give the world a texture that makes this otherworldly setting seem very old, lived-in, and real.

Yes, you read that right.  This book was written by the same M.T. Anderson who wrote Feed.  I’ll admit, that’s the reason I picked up this book in the first place.  And I’m glad I did, because it’s become one of my favorites.  Some kids tell me this story is about how we should respect nature, while some say it’s all about how it’s okay to be alone.  This is a beautiful message, especially in a world where success is sometimes measured by social engagement.  But not all kids are natural extroverts, and I love that this book tells them its okay to be who they are.  Despite this seemingly calming message, the book is anything but.  As Mr. Constantine Shimmer comes on scene, things get crazier and crazier, and when the boy decides that enough is enough, the peaceful ending comes as a relief!

Ryan, Pam Munoz.  Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride.  Illus. Brian Selznick.  Scholastic Press, 1999.

Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt each made their own mark on history, so it only makes sense that they would have been friends.  And in fact, they were!  One night, the two women go for a flight from Washington, D.C. to Balitmore and back, despite the protests of the secret service.  Based on a true story, Pam Munoz Ryan and Brian Selznick team up to show the truly independent spirits behind these two women.  Though rendered in black and white, Brian Selznick’s illustrations evoke a magical tone and depicts history with vivid texture.

This is yet another book that displays the talents of two popular children’s authors: Pam Munoz Ryan, known for Esperanza Rising, and Brian Selznick, known for The Invention of Hugo Cabret.  That alone is bound to garner interest from tweens.  I also love this book for tween because it’s a great story to use to get them excited about history, and it provides a great example of two women who did whatever they wanted at time when women didn’t always have that power.  There’s a lot of historical context here, as well as emphasis on what it must feel like to fly a plane, which makes this perfect for older readers with a greater ability to focus.  It’s also a great chance to talk to students about social issues.  If nothing else, Selznick’s nearly-realistic illustrations will mesmerize readers.

Scieszka, Jon.  The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs.  Illus. Lane Smith.  Viking, 1989.

This is wolf’s version of the “Three Little Pigs.”  When he goes to borrow a cup of sugar from his neighbor, the first little pig who built the house of straw, and accidentally sneezes the house down, things progressively go from bad to worse.  Mr. Wolf claims he was framed, but was he?  Scieszka’s conversational prose pairs with Smith’s muted illustrations to add nostalgic character to the wolf’s tale.

This is a timeless classic that always seems to work with tweens, perhaps because it’s a spin on another timeless classic.  It also includes some darker tones, with the wolf gobbling up the pigs just because he didn’t want perfectly good ham to go to waste.  And even though the tweens know what is coming next, they’re still wrapped up in the story.  After the story, this is a great opportunity to talk about character and narrative.  Why did the wolf eat the pigs?  Why did he believe he was right?  I could even use this to model storytelling and take another fairy tale to twist.

Tan, Shaun.  Rules of Summer.  Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013.

A boy gives a imaginative narrative of what he did last summer, phrased by sets of rules.  Starting with some seemingly practical rules, such as “Never leave leave a red sock on the clothesline,” the rules become gradually more and more sinister.  Shaun Tan’s accompanying illustrations paint a dual story of the relationship about the young narrator and his brother, monsters and horrors they face, and the dire consequences when the narrator does not follow his brother’s rules.  Tan’s abstract oil paintings,more fully realized by the contrast of light and shadows and stark reds, add a layer of suspense that sparks emotion of both menace and wonder.

Shaun Tan is one of my favorite picture book authors, perhaps because his picture books seem to appeal to such a wide-ranging audience.  In Rules of Summer, the narrative is not straight-forward, and neither are the illustrations; readers must use their own imagination to tell the story.  But even the, darkness clearly lurks around every corner.  As the boy suffers the consequences of breaking his brother’s rules, the illustrations become increasingly cold, monotone, and dark.  The implied horror makes this too old for grades first through third, but ideal for tween readers who love to read horror novels (and there are many), while stimulating their imaginations and storytelling skills.  But even amid all this abstract art and arbitrary narrative, tweens can easily identify what that first sentence, so much like beginning-of-the-year writing prompts: “This is what I learned last summer…”

Wisniewski, David.  Golem.  Clarion Books, 1996.

Based on Jewish legend, a rabbi molds a giant called Golem out of clay, tasking him to protect the Jewish people from those who persecute them.  Golem dutifully fights against his enemies, though he yearns to simply enjoy being alive and watching the sunset.  But when his task is done and the Jews are safe, the rabbi returns the Golem to clay even though the Golem begs him to “Let me live!”  Fashioned by color aid, coral, and bark cut papers, David Wisniewski’s illustrations depict a vividly majestic, yet shadow-hung Prague.  Contrasting the stately Prague Castle with the earthly Golem and humble Jewish ghetto, Wisnewski portrays the drama between cultures and the desperation of the Jewish people.

This is undoubtedly the darkest book on this list, but there’s also undoubtedly a lot to be gained from reading this with tweens.  Look at the detailed and tactile illustrations, and its no wonder the book won the Caldecott Medal, but the value of this book goes beyond even the art.  First there is the context of history and culture which becomes increasingly relevant for tweens (most begin studying World War II in depth around fifth grade).  The story of the Golem also provides some diversity among other popular Western folktales.  And finally, this book is ripe with the drama and horror that tweens love so much.  But more than that, Wisniewski’s story encourages kids to ask tough questions about traditional tales and archetypes.  Though the Golem was born to be a brute monster, Wisniewski emphasizes how he yearns for humanity.  Tweens may wonder, “Did the Golem deserve to die?”


Not Just for Storytime Pt 1

I just have to say it: picture books are pretty amazing.  My opinion on the matter might have been pretty clear already, considering storytime takes up about 80% of my time at both of my library jobs, and most of the posts on this blog already are about the books and extension activities I use.  But there are a lot of other really fantastic picture books out there, and these picture books are definitely not for storytime.

Sometimes there can be a misconception that picture books are just for preschoolers, just for storytime.  But picture books are great for all ages.  Fundamentally, they provide an opportunity for readers to read aloud together, share an experience, and stimulate the imagination in unexpected ways.  Reading aloud together is also an easy way to build relationships between readers, whether they are peer-to-peer or adult-to-child.

But that’s a blog post for another time.

Below are five picture books that make awesome read alouds to the first through third grade crowd.

Anderson, Giles.  Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs: Missing Treasure.  Illus. Russell Ayto.  Margaret K. McEdlerry Books, 2008.

While on a trip to the museum, Flinn and his friends tumble through a magical closet and find themselves on the deck of a pirate ship.  They rescue a pirate captain, and quickly embark on a quest to retrieve his stolen gold from pirate dinosaurs.  Illustrations in water color and ink, cut and jagged framing, and dramatic staging work together to create an exciting adventure for young readers.

There are many reasons I love this book, the first of them being pirate dinosaurs.  After those two words, this books spirals into the delightfully ridiculous.  Flinn and his friends tumble through a closet into another world–Narnia-style–and immediately take charge of the situation.  When faced with pirates and pirate dinosaurs way bigger than him, Flinn doesn’t bat an eye.  The name of the pirate, Gurgleguts, is sure to make kids laugh.  To top it all off, the big bad dinosaur is afraid of spiders!  I wouldn’t read this to preschoolers because it’s too long and the text is too complex, but this is one of the most exciting books I have ever read to third graders, and they love it.  Even with all the entertainment, this is a great book for teaching vocabulary in a way that just makes sense.  This is actually the second pirate dinosaur book Anderson and Ayto have done together, but I like this one better than the first.  It’s sillier and more dramatic, and the end really zings.

Barnett, Mac.  Extra Yarn.  Illus. Jon Klassen.  Blazer + Bray, 2012.

A young girl named Annabelle finds a box filled with yard and begins to knit things for everyone in town, and then knits for actual things in the town.  People start coming from all over to meet her, until an Archduke tries to buy her box of never-ending yarn.  When Annabelle refuses to sell, he steals her box only to discover that the box is mysteriously empty.  He hurls the box into the sea, cursing her to never be happy again, but…”it turned out she was.”  Klassen’s reserved and delicate illustrations rendered ink, gouache, and digital perfectly compliment Barnett’s tongue-in-cheek language and story.

Number one reason I love this story: it was created by dynamic duo Jon Klassen and Mac Barnett.  Yes, the same team that brought us Sam and Dave Dig a Hole.  This one is just as imaginative and thought provoking.  In a nutshell, this is a story about a girls who changes the world around her through the power of knitting.  The visual effect is powerful, as Klassen’s illustrations begin in monochrome black, white, and gray until the little girl’s yarn fills the pages with color.  And every time you think a bully is going to dampen her spirit, it turns out all he needed was a knitted sweater.  There are an assortment of characters included–humans and animals of all shapes and sizes, a little person, and even the bear from I Want My Hat Back.  In truth, the actual storyline is relatively simple, but it takes long enough to build to the climax that I think this would appeal to first through third graders rather than preschoolers.  I would also love to feature this book in conjunction with a knitting program in the library for kids.

Barnett, Mac.  Oh No! (Or How My Science Project Destroyed the World)  Illus. Dan Santat.  Disney Hyperion Books, 2010.

A girl creates a robot for her science fair project, but things quickly escalate when a “rampage” starts.  The robot terrorizes the town with his superclaw, laser eye, and ability to control dog’s minds.  The girl tries to stop her invention-gone-wrong, but unfortunately forgot to program the robot to communicate.  To rectify things, she goes back to her lab and creates a giant toad to fight her robot.  She saves the day, only to realize that she may have created another monster.

Another book by Mac Barnett, this time teaming up with Dan Santat (who made Sidekicks).  This book is short and sweet, and while the language would be easily understood by preschoolers, I think the action and content gears it toward a slightly older crowd.  Elementary students will easily identify with making a project for a school science fair, and the whole mad scientist trope is more easily recognizable for older kids.  Santat’s illustrations in full spread and various panels evoke a comic book feel and format, which makes this book a great way to teach kids how to read longer graphic novels.  I’d segue into the literacy value of graphic novels, but that’s yet another blog post for another time.  Oh No! is completely narrated by the main character, in almost voice-over fashion, which really helps lend some drama to the story.  This is also a great book to use to talk about how story progresses, and even how kids can create their own stories.

Cannon, Janell.  Stellaluna.  Harcourt, Inc, 1993.

Stellaluna, a baby bat, gets separated from her mother and lands in a nest of baby birds.  She tries and struggles to be like the birds, eating bugs, sleeping right side up, and flying during the day.  One day, she happens along some other bats and learns that bats can eat fruit, sleep upside down, and fly best at night.  The best part of all–she finds her mother.  Stellaluna hurries to tell her bird friends about all she’s discovered.  Cannon’s beautiful Liquitex acrylic and Prismacolor pencil illustrations add to the sweet tone of the story, perfectly capturing the calm, natural glow of both dusk (for bats) and dawn (for birds).

Stellaluna will never go out of style.  I was read this book when I was in elementary school, and elementary students still love this book.  The story itself is timeless, but I also think some credit should be attributed to the near-realistic illustrations that are so beautiful and striking to look at.  They really help to convey Stellaluna’s emotions.  I also love the way this book talks about being different and fitting in.  Stellaluna tries to fit in with the baby birds, and they easily accept her; but when they copy her bat-like ways it’s the mother bird who forces her to assimilate.  Even when Stellaluna has rejoined the bats, she goes back to her bird friends, and they, in turn, try to act like her.  Though the friends realize how different they are, they can admit that being different is not bad and that they will always be friends.  This, I think, is the message that makes this story so timeless and wonderful, and the complexity of this idea is best appreciated by elementary students.  Finally, Cannon includes notes about bats in the back of her book, which would makes this a great pairing with a school unit or a library program on bats.  I really love how this helps to generate interest and compassion about an animal that is sometimes seen as scary.

Thurber, James.  Many Moons.  Illus. Louis Slobodkin.  Harcourt, Inc, 1943.

When Princess Lenore falls ill from eating too many raspberry tarts, she claims ones things will make her better: the moon.  Accordingly, the king calls in his advisors to discover how to get him the moon.  But the Lord High Chamberlain, the Royal Wizard, and the Royal Mathematician, tell him that such a task is impossible, though they do not seem to agree on how far away the moon is or what it is made of.  At last, the jester simply suggests that they are all right and all there is to do is ask the princess how far away she thinks the moon is.  When he learns that it is no bigger than her thumb, he has a necklace with a tiny gold pendant made.  But what will happen when Princess Lenore finds the moon in the sky?  The Lord High Chamberlain, the Royal Wizard, and the Royal Mathematician, each have different answers, none to the king’s satisfaction, but once more the jester comes up with the solution of simply asking the princess.  Her answer…as everything in nature grows back when you pick it away, so it makes sense that another moon would grow in the night sky.

As a Caldecott Winner, you can’t go wrong with this book.  One of the reasons I really like this story is that it feels so much like a fairy tale, especially with the way things happen in threes.  But rather than focusing on heroic quests and daring feasts, this story places wisdom in a simple court jester and the innocence of a little girl.  There’s also a lot of humor to be had.  As each advisor is called before the king, they begin listing all the things they have done or gotten for him, much to the king’s annoyance.  The back-and-fort banter is silly enough to delight young children.  This isn’t a great story for preschool storytime–due to the fact that it’s longer and has more advanced vocabulary–but it would make an enchanting, imaginative read for slightly older first, second, and third graders.  It may even be an ideal book for bedtime.

Storytime for Little Builders

 Product Details   

STORYTIME FOR: Berwyn Public Library (Outreach)

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Why These Books?

Blow Your Nose, Big Bad Wolf.  Steve Smallman.  Illus. Bruno Merz.  The story of the Three Little Pigs is an essential folktale to share for any building storytime. There are a lot of great variations out there, but I liked this one best for preschool.  Everybody lives, and it’s a funny take on “I’ll huff and I’ll puff.”  I have to say that for any version of the Three Little Pigs (I originally started with James Marshall’s), the kids are ready and willing to chant along when it’s time to say “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.”

Frank Architect.  Frank Viva.  Including this book was a great opportunity to talk about the planning stage of building.  This book was published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so it’s all about the unique ways things are built and presented.  If I ever read this again, I think I would focus more on the different building experiences and less on the actual story.  There’s some character development here that is a little complicated.

Construction Countdown.  K.C. Olson.  Illus. David Gordon.  I had this tucked away in my bag for a while before I actually tried using it.  When I first looked at it, I thought it would be better suited for toddlers, and that the simplicity of the text would not be appealing to preschoolers–but I was wrong.  They kids immediately became engaged once I started this story, more than they had for the previous two stories.  It was a lot of fun to count the trucks.  This was a good reminder that sometimes preschoolers just enjoy showing what they know.

Rex Wrecks It.  Ben Clanton.  This is the perfect book to end a storytime with!  Rex loves wrecking things, but his friends are not so pleased to have their hard work destroyed.  This story has distinct characters, repetition, and conflict.  This kids loved the opportunity to roar out loud with Rex, and they were very attentive while Rex’s friends came up with a solution.  I like this story because it talks about building in a very applicable way for preschool: building with blocks.


Here is a House (Fingerplay)
Here is a house built up high (hands over head to make a roof)
With two big chimneys reaching for the sky (raise arms up high)
Here is a window (draw a square)
Here is a door (pretend to open a door)
If we look inside (peek through fingers)
There’s a mouse on the floor! (scamper fingers away)


Wheels on the Bus (Action Song, Ukulele)
C   C
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
C   C
The wheels on the bus go round and round
G       C
All through the town.
Repeat: wipers, windows, babies, mamas.

A House of Shapes (Flannel)

With square, triangle, and circle flannel pieces, have the kids help  build a house on the felt board.

How It Went

I struggled with this storytime theme.  Honestly, building is not the most exciting subject for me, which may have been my problem.  Even so, I think there was something to be gained here.  The extensions went pretty well, but I would have liked to find more books like Rex Wrecks It about imaginative play.  The kids had a lot of fun pretending to run away from the mouse in the Here is A House action rhyme, and took charge of the Wheels on the Bus.

Cooking Up Storytime

STORYTIME FOR: Berwyn Public Library (Outreach)

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Why These Books?

Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells.  I start with this book, because it’s a bit longer than the rest.  Despite the length, the narrative has repetitive part and many accidents, which helps keeps the kids engaged.  Rather than simply reading the story, I point to the pictures and ask the kids about the accidents Max makes.  We also talk about what tastes betters–brown earthworm cake or pink raspberry cake.  (Even the boys admit that the pink cake will taste better.)  This is a good story for teaching the stages of baking.

Round is a Tortilla by Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrated by John Parra.  I originally thought that this would be a good multicultural book to add to the mix, since it is in rhyme and teaches about shapes–it even mixes in spanish words!  But the experience of reading this story didn’t go so well as I hoped.  The book often poses the question, “I can name more round things.  Can you?”  Some classes struggled to name the shapes, perhaps because there was no context to tell them what the shapes were called.  For example, a stove burner is round, but the preschoolers did not necessarily know its name.  I also think this book serves as a better book to read one-on-one with a preschooler, like an Eye Spy book, rather than for storytime.  That way, a child can spend more time exploring each page.

Bee-bim Bop! by Linda Sue Park, illustrated by Ho Baek Lee.  Contrary to my initial opinion of Round is a Tortilla, I was hesitant to use this book at first because it seemed like there was a lot of text.  Then I heard another librarian read it, and I’d thought I’d try it out in my cooking storytime in place of Round is a Tortilla.  I was pleasantly surprised by how well this went over!  The story is told in rhyme, with a bouncy rhythm that makes it perfect for storytime.  I also really like this book because it goes through the steps of making bee-bim bop (a Korean dish), from getting food at the grocery store to boiling rice to setting the table.  There are a lot of opportunities to start conversations, too.  Do you help someone grocery shop?  Why do you cry when you cut an onion?  Do you help set the table?  What is your favorite meal?

How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague.  Thematically, this is a great way to end cooking storytime because it is all about the polite way to eat after food is prepared.  It’s also fun and exciting, and it’s hard to miss the mark with Jane Yolen’s and Mark Teague’s How Do Dinosaurs series.  I’ve had a couple of different experiences reading this.  In response to questions like, “Does he burp, does he belch, or make noises quite rude?” one class responded with the typical “no,” as in he shouldn’t.  But I also had a class that said “yes” as in that’s what he’s doing on the page.  I thought both responses were great, and it just goes to show you one book can be interpreted many ways.  The preschoolers also loved to point out their favorite dinosaurs, and some of them identified when the people in the book looked mad or happy.


I’m a Little Teapot  (action song)
I’m a little teapot short and stout,
Here is my handle, here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout:
“Tip me over and pour me out!”

Make a Pizza (flannel)
With a round felt piece, have kids add felt pizza toppings.

pizza felt

Pat-a-Cake Cake (fingerplay)
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s hands,
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Pat it, roll it, mark it with a B,
And put it in the oven for baby and me..

Popcorn  Kernels (rhyme, scarves)
Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels, (bounce scarves high)
in the pot, in the pot.
Shake them, shake them, shake them, (roll into a ball, then shake)
Till they pop, till the pop.

*credit: Jbrary

How It Went

Though it took me a while to get exactly the right selection of books, the extension activities all worked really well.  The kids loved the scarf rhyme (as usual) and eagerly participated in the fingerplays and motion activities they knew well (Pat-a-Cake and I’m a Little Tea Pot).  They really enjoyed the pizza felt, which was very easy to make.  I cut out an oval for bread, an oval for sauce, an oval for cheese, and a made enough toppings that all the kids could put one thing on.  We talked about shapes and colors as well as the process for making a pizza.  If I ever did this theme again, I would probably try to talk to the kids more about what they like to make at home.

Storytimes That Grow

STORYTIME FOR: Berwyn Public Library (Outreach)

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Why These Books?

Do You Know Which Ones Will Grow? by Susan A. Shea.  I heard another storytime librarian at Skokie Public Library read this book and instantly fell in love with it.  This books rhymes, it involves call and response, and it easily helps kids understands the things that grow and the things that don’t.  It’s a great book to start a storytime, because the call and response really gets kids warmed up.  I would suggest it for any age.  It’s easy enough for two-year-olds, but humor of the things that grow really engages the general preschool crowd.

If You Plant a Seed by Kadir Nelson.  I love this book for Kadir Nelson’s art alone–his oil on canvas paintings are absolutely life-like, stunning, and vibrantly colored.The book begins by showing how a seed will grow, and then transition into a message about what happens when you plant seeds of selfishness and kindness.  When I read this book, I paused and asked the preschoolers to identify different food that grew in the garden.  Though the language–or poetry–is sparse for a preschool book, it definitely succeeded in capturing the preschoolers’ attention.

The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli.  This book is less designed to teach about growing, but rather offers a hilarious, imaginative perspective.  When an alligator who loves watermelon swallows a seed, he begins to panic that it will grow in his stomach until he becomes a watermelon.  When he spits out the seed, the drama begins all over again.  It’s a short book, but a great story to end on.  A lot of the kids I read to told me the liked this one a lot.


Green Leaf (fingerplay, scarves)
Here is a green leaf (hold out one palm)
And here is a green leaf (hold out other palm)
That, you see, makes two (hold up two fingers)
Here is a bud (cup hand together)
That makes it a flower (slowly open hands)
Watch it bloom for you (slowly open hands)

*Credit: Jbrary video

Not a Garden
Have kids identify different types of fruit and vegatables that grow in the garden, and have each student put a food item on the felt board.

In My Garden (action song)
Digging, digging, his is how we dig the ground
In our garden, in our garden …
Digging, digging, this is how we dig the ground
early in the morning.
Repeat: hoe the weeds, plant the seeds, peas will grow, pick the peas, eat the peas.

*Credit: Raffi

How It Went

This has, rather unexpectedly, been one of my favorite storytime themes.  The idea of growing is so tactile and interactive that all the extensions worked really well.  The kids (and teachers) liked the Green Leaf scarf rhyme the best.  For some classes, I ended up repeating it more more than three times.  It took a for some classes to get through the felt activity, just because there were so many students, but completely worth it.  They loved being able to come up and put something on the board.  For the Raffi garden song, I got into a habit of asking the kids what we should do next (many classes came up with a new verse: water the seeds).  They loved the books too!  Personally, I loved how this ended up being both fun and educational.


Seasons are the Times for Stories

STORYTIME FOR: Berwyn Public Library (Outreach)

Hello/Goodbye Song

We Say Hello/Goodbye Like This (with ukulele)
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
D                                                          A7
We wave hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we wave hello like this.
D                                                         A7
We clap hello like this…with our friends in storytime, we clap hello like this.
D                                                           A7
We stomp hello like this… with our friends in storytime, we stomp hello like this.

Why These Books?

Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson.  I like to use this story for both preschool and sensory storytimes.  It works well because it’s excited and interactive ( a lot like Press Here).  The book gives directions like “tap this page to see…” and I ask the kids at the beginning of the story to help me out by tapping on their hands.  But this books goes beyond simply being interactive.  It’s a great book to start off a seasons storytime because of the way it focuses on how a tree changes with each season.  Kids love to see the tree change and comment on details (i.e. the squirrel who eats the apple.

Here Comes Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara.  This is another book that seems to be multipurpose!  I had used this for winter storytime, but I go to enough classrooms that there were plenty of classes that I hadn’t read it to yet.  Although the bulk of this book is about what the boy and Jack Frost do in winter, the book is really framed by the seasons changing: it begins when frost appears on the window, introducing Jack Frost, and ends when the boy finds a snowdrop flower, introducing spring.

The Little Tree by Loren Long.  At first glance from an adult perspective, this is such a slow and sweet story that I wondered how well it would go in a storytime (since its not as active as the books above).  But I was told by a co-worker that it works surprisingly well, so I tried it…and found out that she was right.  The classes I read to loved this book.  It begins with a little tree, not yet full grown, who loves his leaves.  As the seasons change, the trees around him lose their leaves, but the little tree holds on to his tight.  The trees around him start to grow, but he stubbornly holds onto his leaves until they turn brown. The moment that the little tree finally lets go of his leaves is a powerful one, and then the tree starts to grow.  My kids couldn’t get enough!  I’m also going to use this story as a backup for my growing storytime.


Where’s the Snowball? (flannel)

Hide a flannel snowball under different colored flannel mittens and have the kids guess where it is.  A great activity to talk about colors!


 Winter Hokey Pokey (motion song)

You put your mittens in you put your mittens out,
You put your mittens in, and you shake them all about.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about.
Repeat: boots, hat, etc.

Winter Animal Bag (puppets)

Show puppets of winter animals and talk about what each one sounds like, where it lives, and what it does during the winter.  For younger and sensory kids, I simply asked, what sound does this animal make.  I saved the bear puppet for last and told the kids, “In the winter, the bear likes to snore.”

Seasons of a Tree (action rhyme)

In the springtime I have flowers,
And I like to show my colors.
In summer I have leaves
That are all big and green.
In fall my leaves fall down,
And my arms droop like a frown.
In winter my arms hang low,
Piled up with glistening snow.
Next springtime comes and then
The seasons start again!

How It Went

I actually started doing by seasons storytime with Tap the Magic Tree, Mouse’s First Snow by Lauren Thompson, and Old Bear by Kevin Henkes.  I think my classes were still interested, but I just got the feeling that the books were too easy for them.  I soon realized that these books worked a lot better for sensory storytime, because they are more concept based.  I was much happier after I switched them out. I also wanted a stretcher about the seasons of a tree, so I made up the rhyme (above) with arm motions. It worked really well; the kids loved pretending to be trees!